Signs for Children 5+

The following are signs that a child may have dyslexia. It is important to remember that a child may have some of these symptoms in varying combinations, but will rarely have all of them.

  • Speech problems e.g. lisp, mispronunciation of words, words in wrong order. Dyslexics are often late talkers NOTE: some dyslexics learn to speak early and are very articulate.
  • Difficulty in rhyming e.g. ‘book’ and ‘look’.
  • Difficulty in hearing and pronouncing sounds.
  • Attention problems – child does not appear to hear when given explanations. Daydreaming and switching off in class and at home.
  • Lack of progress in reading, writing and spelling, contrary to expectations built up by normal development in other area.
  • Poor fine motor control e.g. holding a pencil.
  • Difficulties in forming letters and writing them down in a reasonable order or mirror writing.
  • Confusion with b, d, p, q, u, y, m, n, s, or z.
  • Clumsiness
  • Difficulty carrying out a sequence of directions.
  • Difficulty understanding the concept of time. They may forget their date of birth, their home address etc.
  • Difficulty in counting, playing sequencing and matching games
  • Problems fastening buttons, zips, tying shoes laces, and with the order in which to get dressed.
  • Tantrums and signs of frustration at home and at school. 

If any literacy problems have already occurred in the family then special attention should be given to the signs given above.