Signs for Children 7-13

As children get older they may exhibit some other indicators of dyslexia. People will have a varying collection of indicators but will rarely exhibit all of them.

  • Unable to read, or low reading age
  • Still having difficulties with sound of letters
  • Poor, immature hand-writing
  • Poor spelling
  • Letter and sound confusion persist e.g. ‘v’ for ‘th’
  • No idea of punctuation when reading or writing a story
  • Essays or stories may often be brief and to the point
  • Students know what they want to write but have trouble getting their ideas down
  • If they can read they don’t enjoy it and hate reading aloud
  • When reading aloud they misread words, frequently omitting and inserting words
  • A student may read well but when they get to the end of the text they cannot remember anything they’ve read
  • Copying from a board or book is difficult and inaccurate
  • They may still reverse numbers e.g. ‘42’ instead of ‘24’
  • Difficulty in remembering multiplication tables, the order of days of the week, months of the year and the alphabet
  • Musical notation can be a problem
  • Clumsiness and poor co-ordination can still be present
  • Difficulty in understanding what is said to them and slow to answer
  • Frustration, withdrawal and behavioural problems start to increase
  • Extreme reluctance to go to school