
This page contains links to web sites of other organisations that may be of interest to people seeking information about dyslexia.

British Dyslexia Organisations

  • British Dyslexia Association: Website of the peak body for dyslexia in England and Wales
  • Dyslexia Action: UK wide charity providing services to dyslexic people (previously the Dyslexia Institute).
  • Dyslexia Scotland: Organisation that aims to help dyslexic people to reach their full potential.
  • Being Dyslexic: Support website for British dyslexics. Contains an excellent members forum.

International Dyslexia Organisations

  • World of Dyslexia: International site with lots of advice related to dyslexia and links to subsites for teachers, students, parents etc.
  • International Dyslexia Association: International organisation, based in the USA which attempts to make links between various dyslexia organisations around the world.

Equipment / Resources / Technology / Teaching Aids

  • Iansyst: British company that specialises in technology solutions for dyslexics and people with other learning disabilities.
  • Call Centre: Edinburgh based organisation that provides technology solutions for children with speech, communication and/or writing difficulties.
  • Glasgow Caledonian Eye Clinic: Clinic specialising in treatment for Meares-Irlen and Visual Stress.
  • AbilityNet: organisation dedicated to helping disabled people use computers and the internet.
  • Dyslexia International - Tools and Technologies: Belgian organisation aiming to bring the issues associated with dyslexia into the education system.
  • Don Johnston: American company dedicated to creating education resources for "diverse learners".
  • Communication and Learning Skills Centre: Company that develops teaching materials and memory techniques for people with specific learning difficulties.
  • Xavier Educational Software: Specialists in computer based teaching aids for English language, early learning and dyslexia. Based at University of Wales, Bangor.
  • Spellzone: Phonic and spelling program you can do on-line.
  • Maths on Track: Glasgow based company making resources to support the national maths curriculum.

Other Related Organisations

Educational Institutions